Day trip Basel
07.45 - 09.30
Transfer to Basel by Coach
Coaches for the transfer to Basel on Tuesday 11 August will depart from Karl-Schmid-
Strasse (located between ETH and the University of Zurich).
Please assemble 15 minutes before departure time.
10.45 - 11.15
Conference photos as announced in the 4th circular
18.00 - 19.00
Opening Andreas Heusler Exhibition, University Library Basel, Ausstellungssaal, Schönbeinstrasse 18-20, Basel:
lic. phil. Susanne Gubser, Librarian, University Library: Begrüssung und Vorstellung der Universitätsbibliothek Basel
Dr. Ueli Dill, Head Manuscript Division, University Library: Die Universitätsbibliothek Basel als Archiv für wissenschaftliche Nachlässe
18.00 - 19.00
City Walk Basel
19.30 - 20.00
Reception at Restaurant Safran Zunft, Gerbergasse 11, Basel, sponsored by the City and the Canton of Basel Stadt